Back to the Office!
When the World Health Organization declared the novel coronavirus a pandemic on March 11, 2020, we had very little information. We were unsure of how the virus spread, how sick we might become, and for how long the pandemic would last. All we knew was that in order to keep ourselves safe, we had to socially distance as much as possible, which meant staying home.
Throughout the unending uncertainty of the past 2 years, our business had constant dedicated employees willing to work together exploring ways to keep our operations uniterrupted.
Today we are very happy to announce that after more than 2 years later we’re finally ready to begin our return to work from our offices in Heinrich-Hertz Str 1 · 64295 Darmstadt
While we’re excited to “get back” to the office we’ve designed our workspaces to ensure safety through social distancing, regular testing providing COVID-19 tests and FFP2 masks to all employees, as well as granting the opportunity to our employees to work from home and flexible office options.
We are very excited to welcome you back to the office and we can’t wait to see you in-person!