PVA offers a highly interactive tool for EUMETSAT image processing and inspection.
Since 2011 ‘ask’ has been developing the PVA and IPPS software solutions for EUMETSAT. These tools provide visualization, analysis and presentation of satellite data and meteorological products.
The PVA (Product Visualization and Analysis) Tool enables highly interactive image and product inspection at EUMETSAT. It is used for quality control and the analysis of current and archived satellite imagery, as well as derived meteorological products.
PVA is also a core component within IPPS, the Image Processing and Presentation Service. IPPS provides the fully automatic production of content for EUMETSAT’s image gallery from Meteosat, Metop and foreign meteorological data. IPPS is operated 24/7 through the ProducerNG batch production system. PVA and IPPS are based on the TriVis Development Package platform (TriDev). TriDev and ProducerNG are both owned and developed by ‘ask’.
Special care is taken to ensure the accuracy of all computation in relation to space, time and meteorological data. Satellite “pixels” cover precisely defined
areas on Earth, which are carefully maintained in all map projections. Astronomical, physical and all other computations retain the highest data precision.
PVA and IPPS feature the high performance that is needed for interactive visual inspection. They offer a wide variety of tools for picking, filtering, creating histograms and scatter plots, and many more visualizations. This enables the data expert gain insight quickly and efficiently.
The TriVis Development Package and all applications built on it, such as PVA and IPPS, are structured in a highly modular fashion. The system’s behavior is defined by a user-programmable processing lattice. This lattice consists of computation nodes and routes from input data to visual output display to deliver optimal operational flexibility and control.
Applications built on the TriVis Development Package are reliable and robust by design. The software architecture clearly separates layers, modules and interfaces to ensure this. In addition to this, the PVA and IPPS projects have been quality-assured via extensive test plans.