The weather portals in the Internet receive visits and page impressions at very high and still rising levels. This is due to the fact that compared to weather forecasts in other media they can offer two significant advantages:

They outperform all other media in the timeliness of the offered products and in addition to that they allow the user to interactively filter out exactly the individual relevant sub-set of information from the very large amount of total available data.

Since over ten years the tailored products for the Internet production of the company ask serve these weather portals in an ideal manner. The possibility of the fully automatic production on standard PC hardware allows the profitable operation also for portals financed solely through advertising.

The very short production times guarantee highest possible timeliness of the weather content. The small efforts and low costs required for administration and maintenance of the weather production well support the generation of a wide variety of different weather products for all user groups for the content management system of the weather portal operators.